Proposal 3 – Lock Politicians Out

Hey there Michigan voters!

Vote YES on proposal 3.


It’s simple.

Politicians do not belong at a woman’s doctor appointment. Politicians are just that, politicians. Medical decisions are between the woman and her physician.

Please share with other Michigan voters about voting yes for proposal 3. And please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions about the voting process.

Vote Democratic Straight Party Ticket in Michigan

Hello Democrat voters in Michigan! Don’t forget to vote for Democrats up and down the ticket! Fill that Democratic Party bubble all the way in and move on to the nonpartisan section.

Important Reminder: Voting partisan candidates (Democrat or Republican) after choosing straight ticket will SPOIL YOU BALLOT!

Please reach out with questions about the voting process in Michigan. I am always ready and willing to help.

Kyra H. Bolden and Richard Bernstein for Michigan Supreme Court

Hello there Michiganders! Don’t forget the nonpartisan section of your ballot in the General Election on November 8th, 2022. This section is located either on the front or back of your ballot.

Vote for Kyra H. Bolden and Richard Bernstein for Michigan Supreme Court in the nonpartisan section. They both have a track record of keeping our rights safe!

Please share with other Michigan voters. Post on your social media accounts and spread by word-of-mouth. If you know a Michigan resident of voting age and they are not registered to vote, then help them get registered! Contact me anytime if you have questions regarding the voting process!

Vote YES on Proposal 3

There are three proposals on the November 8th ballot in Michigan. One of them is Proposal 3. This proposal will protect and secure abortion rights in Michigan.

Reproductive care is healthcare, and Proposal 3 will prevent the criminalization of seeking and receiving such care.

Women in Michigan.


Proposal 3 will lock POLITICIANS out of our exam rooms and doctor offices. Politicians are NOT healthcare providers. They are politicians and have no business in our medical appointments. It’s our bodies and decision making is between our physicians and ourselves.

There has NEVER been a politician present in the exam room with my doctor and me. Now they want to start snooping around. What goes on at my appointments is none of their business. No politician should be telling you what you can and can’t do with your body.

Vote YES on proposal 3. Why? Because our lives depend on it.

Please share with other Michigan residents. Post on your social medial accounts and spread by word-of-mouth. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions regarding the voting process. I am always ready and willing to help!

Reminder: Felons can Vote in Michigan!

Hey there, Michiganders!

Don’t forget that felons can VOTE in Michigan. If they are Michigan residents awaiting trial, on probation, or parole, then they can vote!

All the information you need is in the flyer below:

Felons can vote in Michigan so let’s give them the tools they need to make that happen. Please share this valuable information with other Michigan residents. Share it on your social media accounts and by word-of-mouth.

Please contact me if you have any questions.